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Education Belief

HT Nanjing School Mission

The mission of HTNJ, a boundary-free incubator of integrative education, is to develop lifelong learners and global contributors who embrace Chinese heritage and culture through an innovative education model distinguished by:

  • Experiential, bilingual, and inquiry-driven learning programmes;
  • A collaborative and inclusive culture that fosters ownership, purpose, and passions;
  • A deep connection to the local and global community

NT Nanjing Strategic Objectives

  • Every student will own his/her own personal and academic growth throughout life (boundary-free).
  • Every student will discover and be proud of his/her Chinese identity, heritage, and culture with a global perspective.
  • Every student will discover and pursue their true passions.
  • Every student will be responsible for improving the world.
  • Every student will embody the strength of character.

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